Non-Profit initiative for Fires prevention
Joan practicing chainsaw in the European Chainsaw Certificate course ECC1/ECC2 (2016)
Declaration of Principles
The Neorural Society is a project that arises from the concern for the growing deforestation of the Mediterranean in particular and the Earth in general. - OBJECTIVE
The Neorural Society seeks, as a first objective, the creation of a sustainable model of action that will allow for the active prevention of forest fires and the recovery of the Mediterranean forest. - ACTIVITIES
The Neorural Society proposes, as necessary activities, the cultivation and management of old and new forests to prevent fires and boost growth. - MODEL
The Neorural Society proposes a model based on 3 courses of action to make the aforementioned activities feasible and to achieve the objectives set. These lines of action are:
– Social Participation in environmental tasks.
– Companies soft and stable patronage for environmental projects
– Reuse of biomass for social purposes. - HYPOTHESIS
The Neorural Society collaborates with the university to validate the (Hypothesis of Latencies), a true cornerstone of the project:
“There exists in the urban individual a latent physiological and cultural need to reformulate the old relationship with the natural environment.”

ARTICLE “Incendis_forestals” (Punt Avui, Juliol 2019)
“Incendios_forestales” (en Español)
SOCIETAT NEORURAL: “Hipòtesi de les Latències” (1996)
SOCIETAT NEORURAL: “Resum ideològic” (1994)
SOCIETAT NEORURAL: “Declaració de Principis” (1994)